Integrating Metasploit with BeEF Framework for advanced post-exploitation attacks

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Articles, Write up

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Metasploit of course is one of the most used tools by Red Teamers and pentesters, BeEF (The Browser Exploitation Framework Project) is also one of the most sophisticated tools that allow you to perform browser-based attacks. Combining both of them allows you to have one of the most powerful ways to perform MitM (Man in the middle) attacks combining Social Engineering real-time attacks but also elevating it, and integrating Metasploit so you can run post modules and elevate your attacks to get a shell on those endpoints, enhancing and maximizing the way you conduct your assessments.

We at BHEH have decided to help you understand how to configure both of them by writing this guide which provides a comprehensive overview of how to integrate BeEF Framework with Metasploit on Kali Linux, enhancing the capabilities of both tools for more effective penetration testing.

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How to configure both so you can load the modules from within BeEF

BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) is an open-source application that allows a Red Teamer or Ethical Hacker to assess the actual security posture of a target environment by exploiting vulnerabilities within web browsers but also using Social Engineering attacks and scenarios on real humans and employees in real-time. On the other hand, Metasploit is a powerful tool used for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. The integration of these two frameworks allows for a more comprehensive security testing regimen by combining the client-side attack vectors with the network-level exploits.

*Note: If you are using Kali Linux it’s already installed, and you can skip the step 1 and step 2.

Step 1: Installing BeEF Framework

To install BeEF on a Linux system, you can clone it directly from its GitHub repository. This ensures you have the most recent version of the tool.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install git

git clone

cd beef


Once installed, you can run BeEF using the following commands:

cd beef


Step 2: Installing Metasploit

Installing Metasploit can be achieved via the package provided by Rapid7, which simplifies the installation process through an automated script.

cd ~

curl > msfinstall

chmod 755 msfinstall

sudo ./msfinstall

After installation, you can launch Metasploit by typing:

msfdb init



Step 3: Integrating BeEF with Metasploit

Configuring BeEF

Integration requires configuring BeEF to communicate with Metasploit. Modify the BeEF configuration file:

nano ~/Tools/beef/extensions/metasploit/config.yaml

Look for the beef.integration.metasploit section, and make sure it is set as follows:





                  enable: true

                  host: ""

                  port: 55552

                  user: “msf”

                  pass: “rtlJ6Kr1”

                  uri: "/api"

Configuring Metasploit

For Metasploit to integrate with BeEF, enable the RPC server in Metasploit:


load msgrpc

*make sure that the user: and pass: are the same in the beef config.yaml so that it can communicate with the Metasploit database.

Step 4: Launching an Attack

With both frameworks integrated, you now can launch sophisticated attacks that combine browser-based vulnerabilities and network exploits. Here is a basic scenario:

Hook a Browser – Use BeEF to hook a browser visiting a malicious webpage.

Execute Commands – From BeEF’s interface, choose a command module that leverages Metasploit exploits to obtain shell and persistency so even if the user closes their browser you are able to still gain access to their machines through a meterpreter shell.

Exploitation– Use Metasploit through BeEF to exploit the hooked browser or pivot to other systems on the network.


Integrating BeEF with Metasploit on a Linux system allows you, as a Red Teamer to elevate your attack vectors and in a more sophisticated manner. This setup allows for a wider range of attack simulations, from client-side browser exploits to server-side network penetrations, providing a comprehensive environment for penetration testing.

Remember, the use of these tools should be conducted ethically and only in environments where you have explicit permission to test. This guide aims to educate and empower Red Teamers, Pentesters, and Ethical Hackers to improve their capabilities within the scope agreed with your client.


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