Jonathan James – The teenager who hacked NASA for fun
Jonathan James, a prodigious young hacker known by the alias ‘c0mrade.’ Hacking since age 6, he escalated from modifying computer games to infiltrating NASA’s systems at just 15. James, the first juvenile federally sentenced for computer hacking, targeted AT&T and NASA, gaining access to critical International Space Station elements.
Andrian Lamo – The ‘homeless’ Hacker
“Worst” MacOS Security Bug Recently Patched by Apple
Jeff Moss, aka Dark Tangent, the person who founded DEF CON and Black Hat
Xbox Underground
In this article, we explore the story of David Pokora, who went from being an avid Xbox gamer to a notorious hacker and leader of Xbox-Underground.
When two young hackers played war games with Pentagon
In this story, two young hackers, Mathew Bevan and Richard Pryce, managed to penetrate the Pentagon’s supposedly secure defense network from the comfort of their bedrooms in the 1990s.
Albert Gonzalez and the ‘Get Rich or Die Trying’ Crew who stole 130 million credit card numbers
Albert Gonzalez, rose from teenage hacker to orchestrator of one of the largest credit card thefts. In 2007, with the ‘Get Rich or Die Trying’ crew, he used SQL injection to breach data from major companies, accumulating over 50 million credit card accounts.
SolarWinds Supply Chain Hack – The hack that shone a light on the gaps in the cybersecurity of governments and big companies
The SolarWinds supply chain hack severely impacted the IT infrastructure of both government and large corporate networks. The sophisticated attack exploited SolarWinds’ Orion software, impacting around 18,000 clients globally, including key US departments.
Steganography – How images can hide secret messages in plain sight
Steganography is the practice of hiding secret messages in otherwise non-secret mediums. It’s different than cryptography where is the idea of encrypting a message…