A Hacker’s Guide to Subdomain Enumeration

A Hacker’s Guide to Subdomain Enumeration

Enumeration is key when it comes to hacking; enumerating subdomains leads to discovering many untouched surfaces with vulnerabilities. By understanding how to uncover more hidden subdomains a target has, you can significantly increase coverage, especially when performing Bug Bounty Hunting or Pentesting.

MafiaBoy, the hacker who took down the Internet

MafiaBoy, the hacker who took down the Internet

MafiaBoy, the hacker who took down the Internet Post Views: 1,017 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6620833063853657" data-ad-slot="5230835985" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" Reading Time: 6 Minutes    In 2000, a high school student...