AWS fixes security flaws that exposed AWS customer data Post Views: 392 Reading Time: 1 Minute Amazon Web Services (AWS) has addressed an AWS Glue security issue that allowed attackers to access and alter data linked to other AWS customer accounts. AWS...
Apple fixes doorLock bug that can disable iPhones and iPads Post Views: 374 Reading Time: 1 Minute Apple has released security updates to address a persistent denial of service (DoS) dubbed doorLock that would altogether disable iPhones and iPads running HomeKit on...
Microsoft: New critical Windows HTTP vulnerability is wormable Post Views: 2,254 Reading Time: 1 Minute Microsoft has patched a critical flaw tagged as wormable and found to impact the latest desktop and server Windows versions, including Windows 11 and Windows...
Microsoft: powerdir bug gives access to protected macOS user data Post Views: 522 Reading Time: 1 Minute The Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team has reported the vulnerability dubbed powerdir (tracked as CVE-2021-30970) to Apple on July 15, 2021, via the Microsoft...
Dev corrupts NPM libs ‘colors’ and ‘faker’ breaking thousands of apps Post Views: 1,012 Reading Time: 2 Minutes Users of popular open-source libraries ‘colors’ and ‘faker’ were left stunned after they saw their...
Partially Unpatched VMware Bug Opens Door to Hypervisor Takeover Post Views: 699 Reading Time: 2 Minutes A security vulnerability in VMware’s Cloud Foundation, ESXi, Fusion and Workstation platforms could pave the way for hypervisor takeover in virtual environments...