Recon Tool: Dome

Recon Tool: Dome

Dome is a fast and reliable Subdomain Enumeration Tool that facilitates active and passive scanning to discover subdomains and identify open ports.

OSINT Tool: GooFuzz

OSINT Tool: GooFuzz

GooFuzz is a tool to perform fuzzing with an OSINT approach, managing to enumerate directories, files, subdomains or parameters without leaving evidence on the target’s server.

Recon Tool: Sniffer

Recon Tool: Sniffer

Sniffer is a network troubleshooting tool that lets you analyze network traffic and processes without loading any kernel modules. With a user-friendly TUI interface, Sniffer captures and records packet information using gopacket.

Malware Analysis Tool: retoolkit

Malware Analysis Tool: retoolkit

Retoolkit is a Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis collection of tools on x86 and x64 Windows systems. It aims to provide a set of useful utilities for binary analysis and reverse engineering which includes various tools such as disassemblers, debuggers, and more.

Offensive Security Tool: Go365

Offensive Security Tool: Go365

Go365 is an Office365 user attack tool and its designed to help security professionals and researchers perform user enumeration and password guessing attacks on organizations that use Office365.

OSINT Tool: wholeaked

OSINT Tool: wholeaked

wholeaked is designed to help individuals and organizations identify if their email addresses have been exposed in a data breach. The tool works by searching through a database of leaked email addresses and cross-referencing them with the email addresses provided by the user.