Whether its a complicated one or not it gets encrypted into a hash. There are techniques besides bruteforce, to let you dump the hash and sometimes in plain text like man in the middle attacks, Rogue Access Points, Phishing Attacks, check if its was leaked (haveibeenpwned.com). Hackers can use tools like Pass The Hash (PTH), meaning they do not care of the structure of your password. Once they obtain the hash, they can use PSH_EXE using the password’s hash to get access using NTLM or LanMan as it is without decrypting it into plain text. Meaning: Consider Enabling 2 Factor Authentication, policies, but those too can be bypassed. Consider using Cloud Servers to manage externally and centrally your passwords, checking if they were found in leaked places and let them change every 1 hour. Use Face Recognition, Finger Print Readers, Authenticators. Use hardware based independent devices to login without the need to remember your password.
Whether its a complicated one or not it gets encrypted into a hash. There are techniques besides bruteforce, to let you dump the hash and sometimes in plain text like man in the middle attacks, Rogue Access Points, Phishing Attacks, check if its was leaked (haveibeenpwned.com). Hackers can use tools like Pass The Hash (PTH), meaning they do not care of the structure of your password. Once they obtain the hash, they can use PSH_EXE using the password’s hash to get access using NTLM or LanMan as it is without decrypting it into plain text. Meaning: Consider Enabling 2 Factor Authentication, policies, but those too can be bypassed. Consider using Cloud Servers to manage externally and centrally your passwords, checking if they were found in leaked places and let them change every 1 hour. Use Face Recognition, Finger Print Readers, Authenticators. Use hardware based independent devices to login without the need to remember your password.