Penetration Testing alone cannot identify the maximum number of vulnerabilities in an application.

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Fact: Penetration Testing alone cannot identify the maximum number of vulnerabilities in an application.
Penetration Testing is one of the Security Testing practices that determine the high-risk vulnerabilities even helping your compliance through the GDPR. However, it is not to be considered as a one-stop Security protector.
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Penetration Testing exploits the application by impersonating a hacker and detects a big number of loopholes. But, there are also instances where low-risk vulnerabilities have surfaced as major loopholes after performing Penetration or Performance Testing. It also varies on the company performing these tasks, automated vs. manual, Whitebox vs.Blackbox, setting Timeframes vs. any time, as criminal hackers do not obey any rules, they target their victims during working rush hours, especially when using Social Engineering attacks combined with Phishing/Vishing approaches.
Altogether, Penetration Testing can’t be regarded as the only reliable process of securing the application layer. It is one stronger step than Vulnerability Assessment and gives you great new visibility you did not have since you cannot protect what you cannot see.
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Take note of the types of Pentesting you choose, from code reviewing your APIs to having real targeted Phishing simulated attacks, and a good approach on educating all your employees about hackers attacking the human element.
Ask for the right solution based on how much you value your data and privacy including your clients, above and beyond the need for compliance.
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