AMD Investigates Potential Cyberattack Following Data Breach Claims on Hacking Forum

by | Jun 19, 2024 | News

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AMD, a leading computing company, is currently investigating a potential cyberattack after a threat actor allegedly put stolen data up for sale on a hacking forum. The stolen data purportedly includes sensitive information such as AMD employee details, financial documents, and confidential company information.

“We are aware of a cybercriminal organization claiming to be in possession of stolen AMD data,” AMD stated to BleepingComputer. “We are working closely with law enforcement officials and a third-party hosting partner to investigate the claim and the significance of the data.”

Details of the Alleged Data Breach

The threat actor, known as IntelBroker, posted screenshots on a hacking forum claiming to show stolen AMD credentials. While IntelBroker has not disclosed the price for the data or the method of its acquisition, the post included a broad description of the compromised information:

  • Future AMD product plans
  • Specification sheets
  • Employee databases
  • Customer databases
  • Property files
  • ROMs
  • Source code
  • Firmware
  • Financial documents

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Potential Impact and Previous Incidents

According to reports from DarkWebInformer, the data allegedly includes an employee database with user IDs, first and last names, job functions, business phone numbers, email addresses, and employment status.

Hacking forum post selling alleged AMD dataHacking forum post selling alleged AMD data
Source: BleepingComputer

IntelBroker has a history of notable breaches, including:

  • The DC Health Link breach, which exposed personal data of U.S. House of Representatives members and staff, leading to a congressional hearing.
  • The Europol Platform for Experts (EPE) breach, compromising a web portal used for information sharing among international law enforcement agencies.

AMD’s Response and Historical Context

AMD is taking the threat seriously, working with law enforcement and third-party experts to assess the validity and impact of the claimed data breach. This is not AMD’s first encounter with a data breach. In June 2022, the company investigated a breach by the RansomHouse extortion gang, which claimed to have stolen 450GB of data.

The ongoing investigation will determine the extent of the breach and the potential consequences for AMD and its stakeholders. Users and partners of AMD are advised to stay informed and take precautionary measures to protect their data and systems.

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