Penetration Testing – Our Approach
It is crucial to comprehend the reasons behind conducting a Penetration Test. Are you driven by compliance demands or evaluating the security of a recent hardware/software upgrade? Our expert team will provide personalized recommendations based on your business type.
The common approaches won’t deliver results for well-secure organizations. Vulnerability assessment tools and Automated Assessments or Platform Based Solutions including off-the-shelf attacks and exploits will not be as effective. Successful testing requires advanced attacks by security experts who have a vast experience in this specific field. Also known as PTaaS: Penetration Testing As a Service.
A penetration test over a 3-4 week period of time does not adequately allow for this to occur. However, the cost of conducting a multi-month assessment isn’t part of many organizational budgets. This is where Black Hat Ethical Hacking excels, tailoring a solution uniquely for each client, based on their budget and needs.
Using the information provided based on our client’s needs, we create a simulation of the target environment in our labs including mapping the complete infrastructure relation. We model potential attack points and develop custom attacks for each organization.
After we’ve constructed a series of attacks, we start the active phase of the assessment. We put the new attacks to work, tweaking them where needed based on differences encountered in the real world compared to the labs. At this point, Black Hat Ethical Hacking can simulate a determined attacking scenario in a manner that would not be possible without spending many months on the project, just like when targeted attacks take place against some of the most important organizations today.
Why do you need it?
The purpose of Penetration Testing is to manually rely on simulating different and custom attacks that take place in the real world, going through phases to bypass, attack, exfiltrate data, find vulnerabilities, and exploit them manually to show you the impact, of how you can take over a system or leak sensitive client data that will severely affect your companies reputation if it was to happen in a targeted attack. There are different methodologies when it comes to Penetration Testing and needs specific experience and knowledge of hacking tools that would allow you to test manually devices such as Firewalls, WebApp, Servers, Routers, and VPNs. This is something that Network Security Assessment Software (NSAS) cannot do.
Unlike vulnerability assessment, it requires more planning, more recon, and real humans that will be studying your business engaging in critical thinking while performing targeted attacks that will accurately and reliably find more than just issues that you get from automation. There is no false positive in the result as everything is checked, and confirmed by our team of hackers and will give you huge visibility on your network topology you did not know existed.
Compliance & Assessment Programs
Our reports will help you seek your compliance programs as follows:
- GDPR & Privacy Compliance Assessment
- Microsoft 365 Security Assessment
- Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Assessment
- Ransomware Resiliency Assessment
What can you achieve by performing Penetration Testing?
Visibility on your network is a very important aspect.
It’s one thing to run a scan and say “you are vulnerable to a Missing Security Certificate” and a totally different thing to exploit the bug and discover the depth of the problem and find out exactly what type of information could be revealed if it was exploited.
Discover the Impact of the vulnerability so that your team can understand what sort of risk levels vs business needs they need to work on.
- Uncover critical vulnerabilities in your environment
- Prioritize and tackle risks based on their exploitability and impact
- Meet compliance with industry standards and regulations
- Keep executive management informed about your organization’s risk level
- Evaluate the effectiveness of your infrastructure as you are being attacked in real-time
This will bring new visibility that would lead to revealing hints requiring real human and manual intervention, to reach a stage of compromising the network, when it reaches the attack phase. Visibility Enables Control. Penetration Testing is a crucial way of discovering how security researchers see your network from the outside and this is what makes the difference. After this assessment is done and our recommendations are, you’ll be able to make smart security decisions that will protect your data and keep your company and employees one step ahead of criminal hackers.
Continuous Testing
Performing annual testing is important but not enough. Vulnerabilities are being discovered on a daily basis. The moment you complete penetration testing, new ones will still be causing a risk. It is important to consider a plan that we can work together on that would allow more repetitive assessments tailored to your business needs.
Effective Remediation and Risk Management
At Black Hat Ethical Hacking, we provide a cutting-edge solution for managing your Cyber Security risks. Visualizes all vulnerabilities that are found in the most elegant way. It helps both sides to see the Pentesting and Assessment results in real-time and start working on the remediation as fast as possible.
Our Remediation Platform is divided into two components: one for our Red Team, which is responsible for identifying vulnerabilities, and one for your Blue Team, which is responsible for remediation. The real-time information sharing between these two components allows for rapid risk management and minimizes the potential impact of security threats. You can easily track progress, collaborate with team members, and receive regular updates on issues found. This combination of expert pentesting and an advanced remediation platform offers an unparalleled solution to keep your systems secure.
- Watch vulnerabilities in real time
- Choose the course of action and rectify it in real-time
- Dashboard with Stats for all types of vulnerabilities
- Create a perfect workflow with your team simultaneously
Each client is unique to us. We will have to discuss and get an understanding of gathering enough information so that we can accurately estimate the timeline and budget needed to complete the testing.
Types of Penetration Testing (Pentesting)

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Simulation

BlackBox and WhiteBox Penetration Testing

Web Application Penetration Testing

Source Code Review

Wireless Penetration Testing

Internal and External Penetration Testing

- Info Gathering and Preparation
- Active and Passive Recon
- Manual Targeted Attacks
- Exploitation
- Clearing False Positives
- Tailored Reports for GDPR Readiness, ISO 27001, PCI compliance

- Planning and Reconnaissance – Passive and Active techniques
- Scanning and Enumeration Static and Dynamic techniques
- Gaining Access
- Exfiltrating Sensitive Data
- Post Exploitation
- Maintaining Access
- Cleaning Traces
- Deep Analysis
Get in touch with our security experts to discuss your needs and receive personalized guidance toward a solution tailored specifically for you.