Offensive Security Tool: Nginxpwner
Nginxpwner is a tool to look for common Nginx misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
Offensive Security Tool: OpenRediWrecked
OpenRediWrecked is a powerful and sophisticated tool for detecting and exploiting open redirect vulnerabilities using the sed utility and a selected list of carefully crafted payloads with encoding techniques.
Offensive Security Tool: Bypass Url Parser
Bypass-url-parser is a tool designed to simplify theprocess of testing URL parsing vulnerabilities in web applications. It tests MANY url bypasses to reach a 40X protected page.
Offensive Security Tool: CrackQL
CrackQL is a versatile GraphQL penetration testing tool that exploits poor rate-limit and cost analysis controls to brute-force credentials and fuzz operations.
Offensive Security Tool: SecretOpt1c
SecretOpt1c is a Red Team tool that helps uncover sensitive information in websites using Active and Passive Techniques for Superior Accuracy.
Offensive Security Tool: SpoolSploit
SpoolSploit is a collection of Windows print spooler exploits containerized with other utilities for practical exploitation.
Offensive Security Tool: SQLMutant
SQLMutant is a powerful SQL injection testing tool. It employs various techniques to detect vulnerabilities, including pattern matching, error analysis, and timing attacks, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
Offensive Security Tool: SSTImap
SSTImap can be used as an interactive penetration testing tool for SSTI detection and exploitation, which allows more advanced exploitation.
Offensive Security Tool: TerminatorZ
TerminatorZ is an efficient web security tool designed to scan for potential vulnerabilities in your web applications.