Offensive Security Tool: Snallygaster

by | May 20, 2021 | Tools


Reading Time: 2 Minutes


Offensive Security Tool: Snallygaster

GitHub Link




Finds file leaks and other security problems on HTTP servers.



Snallygaster by hannob, is a tool that looks for files accessible on web servers that shouldn’t be public and can pose a security risk. Typical examples include publicly accessible git repositories, backup files potentially containing passwords or database dumps. In addition, it contains a few checks for other security vulnerabilities.


As an introduction to these kinds of issues you may want to watch this talk:

⦿ Attacking with HTTP Requests


See the file for an overview of all tests and links to further information about the issues.


See Also: Microsoft, Google Clouds Hijacked for Gobs of Phishing



Some Features:


⦿ Select a random user agent to send and scan remote host. this will allow to bypass user-agent block list.

⦿ Skip scanning www.[host] option.

⦿ Don’t scan http it will be possible to crawl one protocol in case that the same web content available on the encrypted version.

⦿ Don’t scan https this to avoid scanning https.

⦿ Enable all info tests (no bugs/security vulnerabilities)

⦿ Show noisy messages that indicate boring bugs, but no security issue.

⦿ Produce JSON output



See Also: Hacking Stories: Xbox Underground




snallygaster is available via pypi:


pip3 install snallygaster


It’s a simple python 3 script, so you can just download the file “snallygaster” and execute it. Dependencies are urllib3, beautifulsoup4 and dnspython. In Debian- or Ubuntu-based distributions you can install them via:


apt install python3-dnspython python3-urllib3 python3-bs4



Distribution Packages


Some Linux and BSD systems have snallygaster packaged:

⦿ Gentoo
⦿ NetBSD
⦿ Arch Linux (git version)




snallygaster is developed and maintained by Hanno Böck.



See Also: Offensive Security Tool: Skipfish


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