Recon Tool: ZenBuster

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Tools

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This tool is written by Zach Griffin (0xTas). Is a multi-threaded, multi-platform URL enumeration tool written in Python. One of the most important processes in your recon is an enumeration.

It is intended for use in CTF challenges, or by security professionals to gather information on their targets

  • It is capable of brute-force enumerating subdomains and also URI resources (directories/files).
  • Both methods of enumeration require use of an appropriate wordlist or dictionary file.


    Features Include:

    1. Hostname format supports standard, IPv4, and IPv6.
    2. Support for logging results to a file with -o [filename].
    3. Specifying custom ports for nonstandard webservers with -p .
    4. Optional file extensions in directory mode with -x .
    5. Quiet mode for less distracting output with -q.
    6. Color can be disabled for less distracting output with -nc / -nl.
    7. Add to the list of http status codes to ignore (default 5xx, 404) with -ic.
    8. Ignore specific response content-lengths with -fl.
    9. Tested on Python versions 3.9 and 3.10, with theoretical support for versions >= 3.6


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Firstly, ensure that Python version >= 3.6 is installed, then clone the repository with:

git clone

Next, cd zenbuster and, if on Linux: chmod +x



ZenBuster relies on 3 external libraries to function, and it is recommended to install these with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The modules that will be installed and their purposes are as follows:

  1. Python requests

    • The backbone of each enumeration request. Without this, the script will not function.
  2. termcolor

    • Enables colored terminal output. Non-critical, the script can still run without color if this is not present.
  3. colorama (Windows only)

    • Primes the Windows terminal to accept ANSI color codes (from Termcolor). Non-critical.


These dependencies may be installed manually, with pip using requirements.txt, or via interaction with the script upon first run.



Once dependencies have been installed, you can run the program in the following ways:


On Linux (+Mac?):

./ [options] or python3 [options]


On Windows:

python [options]



Short Flag Long Flag Purpose
-h –help Displays the help screen and exits
-d –dirs Enables Directory Enumeration Mode
-s -ssl Forces usage of HTTPS in requests
-v –verbose Prints verbose info to terminal/log
-q –quiet Minimal terminal output until final results
-nc –no-color Disables colored terminal output
-nl –no-lolcat Disables lolcat-printed banner (Linux only)
-ic <codes> –ignore-codes List of status codes to exclude from results.
-fl <lengths> –filter-lengths List of Response Lengths to Ignore.
-u <hostname> –host Host to target for the scan
-w <wordlist> –wordlist Path to wordlist/dictionary file
-x <exts> –ext Comma-separated list of file extensions (Dirs only)
-p <port#> –port Custom port option for nonstandard webservers
-o [filename] –out-file Log results to a file (accepts custom name/path)


Example Usage


./ -d -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -u target.thm -v

python3 -w ../subdomains.txt --host target.thm --ssl -O myResults.log

zenbuster -w subdomains.txt -u target.thm --quiet -ic 400, 403 (With .bashrc alias)




Updating ZenBuster is easy! Just move into the installation folder (cd zenbuster) and git pull. That’s it!


Known Issues/Limitations

  • Enumerating long endpoints may result in ugly terminal output due to line-wraping on smaller console windows. Logging to a file is recommended, especially on Windows.
  • If target host is a vHost on a shared webserver, enumeration via IP may not function as expected. Use domain/hostname instead.
  • Ignoring redirect status codes (3xx) with -ic doesn’t work if the status code at the end of the redirect’s path isn’t also ignored.



Help Page:

Directory Enumeration Mode:

Subdomain Enumeration Mode:



ZenBuster is capable of producing a potentially unwelcome number of HTTP requests in a short amount of time.

The developers and contributors are not liable or responsible for any damage caused by misuse or abuse of this software.

Please Enumerate Responsibly!


Clone the repo from here: GitHub Link



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